Respecting SAPEUR in République du Congo known as LLDC in Africa.
They wear colorful suit and dress appealing for world peace 'No conflict with clean dress'.
This special festival has been inaugurated in 2021 inspired with their peace movement.
"kimono = symbolic cloths of the peace"
"Never fight : keep kimono clean"
We think Japanese kimono could be one of the fantastic symbols of peace with a conviction : we could send wishes for peace all over the world.
The founder, the representative of the governing board since February, 2021.
president of an enterprise in the eleventh-year woman entrepreneur featured as an up-and-coming manager on TV.
A Podcast lecturer winning world second place,
an author winning first place in Amazon for 13 times,
a business person authorized representing hourly wage rate of $4,000,
an achiever of consecutive sales for 1 million dollars in 6 days for 5 months in a row,
cumulative sales of the clients have reached 50 million dollars,
producing and sponsoring of 100,000 people events in Japan, also in abroad.
平和祭りは平和活動の一つではありますが、 お祭りですので、 参加者の皆様が楽しんでもらえたらと 思っています。
Heiwa Matsuri is more fantastic festival than a pure peace movement hope all of the participants in any place share a splendid times
国際平和デーである 『9月21日を休日にすること』 をビジョンの一つとし、 平和祭りを通して世界中の人々が 平和について考えるきっかけの日に していきます。
We have visions, and this is one of those : "Make September 21th a Japanese holiday" The day is known as International Day of Peace participating Heiwa Matsuri, we hope the day become the great opportunity that more people think about peace.
また、昨今では SDGsの取り組みをされている企業が 急増していますが、 9月21日に対する取り組みも 同様な位置付けとして 世界中に浸透させていきたいと 考えています。
In these days, many companies have made an approach of SDGs rapidly, and we think our approach for September 21th is similar to those.
その頃には"HEIWA"という言葉が 世界公用語になっていると思います。
we'd like to infiltrate our thoughts to all over the world, and hope that the word "HEIWA (means 'peace' in Japanese)" becomes a precious universal word.
平和祭りを全世界の恒例行事にすることで 世界中で「平和」について考える きっかけをつくります。
As 'Heiwa Matsuri' becomes world's annual events, we think we could share new chances people all over the world think about peace.
9月21日の国際平和デーを祝日にし 「HEIWA」を世界公用語にすることを目指します。
We aim to make September 21th : International Day of Peace holiday in all over the world and make "HEIWA : 'peace in Japanese'" a universal word.
世界中の人が9月21日を楽しみにする。 そんな日を1日も早く作り上げていきます。
Every child, Every man and woman people on the earth are looking forward to September 21th with peaceful mind, with peaceful dream... THAT is we will work for.